FADOQ keeps members up to date on everything that happens across the network. It also lets them know about the work it does to improve their quality of life, including briefs, advocacy, news, editorials, publications, and more.
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Individuals aged 50 and over who want active lifestyles, to meet other people and experience new things will undoubtedly find what they’re looking for in the FADOQ. He/it gets over 70,000 people to be physicaly active every week.
FADOQ works hard to educate, train, and equip its members in all spheres of their lives. It shares information at workshops, online, in concise articles and up-to-date fact sheets, and more. We believe all seniors should get informed!
This brief was prepared for the Pre-Budget Consultations and presented to the office of the Minister of Finance of Québec.
In this brief, the Réseau FADOQ makes 33 recommendations to the provincial government. Here are the first 10:
That the Government of Québec intensify its efforts in the area of home care and services.
That an equitable distribution of the basket of services offered in the area of home care andservices be ensured in all regions of Québec.
Enable community organizations to administer the Direct Allowance/Employment-ServicePaycheque program for the benefit of users and make a fund available to these organizations tocover management costs.
Increase the amount associated with the price of a rental unit to $815 under the Tax Credit forHome-Support Services for Seniors and periodically adjust it to the rental market.
Raise the reimbursement rate for eligible expenses under the Tax Credit for Home-Support of Seniors up to 40%.
That the tax credit for home support be enhanced in order to broaden the financial assistanceavailable to people outside of private seniors’ residences, without impacting people who havechosen this living environment.
Better in form seniors about the tax measures available to them.
The Réseau FADOQ recommends that the rate of reimbursement of goods eligible for the tax credit for expenses incurred by a senior to maintain his or her autonomy be increased to 30%.
Introduce a Québec Informal Caregiver Insurance Plan (QICIP), which would be based on much the same model as the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP).
Enter contribution credits based on 60% of the Maximum Pensionable Earnings or the averageof his or her other contributory years, whichever is lesser, when a person makes zerocontributions to the Québec Pension Plan because they are caring for an adult who is ill,disabled or losing his or her independence as a caregiver.