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La FADOQ est le plus important regroupement de personnes de 50 ans et plus de la province et la référence en matière de qualité de vie des personnes aînées québécoises.
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FADOQ is the largest group of individuals aged 50 and over in the province and the leading reference for the quality of life of Quebec seniors.
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La FADOQ est le plus important regroupement de personnes de 50 ans et plus de la province et la référence en matière de qualité de vie des personnes aînées québécoises.
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FADOQ is the largest group of individuals aged 50 and over in the province and the leading reference for the quality of life of Quebec seniors.
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Budget: long-term investments in healthcare

In a budget shaped by economic uncertainty surrounding U.S. tariff policies, the Government of Quebec has chosen to continue investing in healthcare and social services for seniors with the goal of improving them, notes FADOQ.

The government has allocated nearly $2.6 billion for home care for the coming year, a slight increase of $81.6 million compared to the previous fiscal year. Nearly $4 billion over five years will be invested to improve access to healthcare and social services, including $629.2 million for the development of new healthcare and social service facilities such as hospitals and Maisons des aînés (Senior Homes).

While investments were necessary to upgrade outdated CHSLDs and ensure the construction and opening of Maisons des aînés, FADOQ emphasizes that home care remains an essential solution for quickly improving healthcare services for seniors. Investments must align with demographic trends, as the proportion of people aged 65 and over is expected to increase from 21.7% today to nearly 24.4% by 2050.

“The population of Quebec wishes to age at home. In this challenging economic situation, maintaining investments in home care is a positive step. However, the government must ensure that its national home care policy, to be introduced by the end of 2025, is properly funded to increase the number of service hours,” states FADOQ President Gisèle Tassé-Goodman.

Expansion of RSV vaccination

FADOQ welcomes the expansion of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination to additional age groups. People aged 60 and over living in CHSLDs and those aged 75 and over residing in private seniors’ residences (RPAs) will be able to receive this vaccine free of charge.

Additionally, good news awaits individuals who have suffered a workplace injury. Starting January 1, 2026, they will benefit from a higher retirement pension under the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP). The QPP will exclude months of disability from the calculation of the retirement pension for these individuals who were able to return to work. This adjustment will benefit up to 2,000 new retirees per year.

FADOQ hopes the government will consider its request to increase the death benefit in the next fiscal year. Set at $2,500 since 1998, this benefit no longer reflects current realities.

Source: FADOQ