Press releases
Le mois de la prévention de la fraude
The Réseau FADOQ marks the start of the 20th edition of Fraud Prevention Month, an...
This brief was prepared for the pre-budget consultations and presented to the office of Canada’s finance minister, Bill Morneau.
In the brief, Réseau FADOQ outlined the priority measures determined by it members and drew the federal government’s attention to certain aspects that should be taken into account in drawing up the budget.
One of the key recommendations was to increase the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS). Réseau FADOQ recommended indexing the Canada Health Transfer (CHT) at 6% per year to help provinces cover ever-growing healthcare costs. It also urged the federal government to more actively support efforts to keep older workers in the workplace, and called for funds to be allocated to the provinces for this purpose.
Read the brief (French)