Press releases
Le mois de la prévention de la fraude
The Réseau FADOQ marks the start of the 20th edition of Fraud Prevention Month, an...
This brief was presented to the Committee on Citizen Relations during the study of Bill 56, the Act to recognize and support caregivers and to amend various legislative provisions.
In the brief, Réseau FADOQ stressed the importance of ensuring that caregivers were informed about the resources available to them, the importance of government support, and the need to adapt to their individual situations.
Réseau FADOQ recommended that the provincial government protect caregivers’ jobs for up to 52 weeks when they are required to take leave to care for a family member. To this end, FADOQ is calling for the creation of a Quebec caregiver insurance plan modelled on the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP).
Read the brief (French)