Press releases
Le mois de la prévention de la fraude
The Réseau FADOQ marks the start of the 20th edition of Fraud Prevention Month, an...
This brief was presented to Marguerite Blais, Minister Responsible for Seniors and Informal Caregivers, in the lead-up to the tabling of Quebec’s first provincial caregiver policy.
In the brief, the network urged the Legault government to make an official definition of caregiver the centrepiece of its policy and to ensure that the definition granted legal status to caregivers. Réseau FADOQ called for caregiver status that would allow caregivers to access care recipients’ medical records. That could mean records from a family doctor or pharmacological or dental records.
The brief also emphasized the need to allocate sufficient resources for home care and support in order to meet the needs of patients and caregivers.
Read the brief (French)