Centre Dentaire de Haute Technologie du Québec
Save 10% on dental care up to $250 per year, $100 gift certificate for an immediate family member, free initial consultation.
The dental clinic is in Plateau Mont-Royal near Parc Lafontaine and easily accessed via public transit. If you’re driving, private parking is available.
Our dentists look forward to providing you with the best dental care available. They use state-of-the-art dental technologies to more accurately identify issues, deliver prompt care, and keep you comfortable.
Call the dental clinic and make an appointment. Our dentists look forward to answering your questions and discussing your particular needs.
Email: info@centredentairedehautetechnologie.com
For more information
Centre Dentaire de Haute Technologie du Québec
1823, rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal Québec H2K 1B4
Phone: 514-524-6848