Rieker Montreal shoe store
Save 15% on regular-priced merchandise.
The performance of Rieker shoes is measured by how good your feet feel every day. That’s why every shoe is made according to a special manufacturing process using lighter, more flexible components that provide more space for your feet, which tend to swell as the day goes on. Soles are shock-absorbent on all surfaces and have antistress features.
For 10 years, Montreal’s only Rieker Antistress shoe store has carried the largest selection of Rieker and Remonte footwear in Quebec, including shoes, ankle boots, boots, and sandals for men and women.
Visit our recently renovated store and choose from the widest selection of Rieker and Remonte footwear in Montreal. You’ll also get top-notch, courteous, personalized service.
For more information
Rieker Montreal shoe store
8505, boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montréal Québec H2P 2M9
Phone: 514-387-2758