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La FADOQ est le plus important regroupement de personnes de 50 ans et plus de la province et la référence en matière de qualité de vie des personnes aînées québécoises.
En savoir plus

Pour connaître les produits et les offres dans votre région, veuillez indiquer votre langue et votre secteur.

FADOQ is the largest group of individuals aged 50 and over in the province and the leading reference for the quality of life of Quebec seniors.
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To discover the products and offers available in your region, please select your language and area.

Pour connaître les produits et les offres dans votre région, veuillez indiquer votre secteur.

To know the products and offers in your region, please indicate your sector.

Choisissez votre langue|Choose your language

Choisissez votre région|Choose your region

ou|or Trouver ma région par code postal|Find your region by postal code

Trouver ma région par code postal|Find your region by postal code

ou|or Choisissez votre région|Select your region in a list

Désolé, aucune région n'a été trouvée pour le code postal demandé. Veuillez essayer avec un autre code postal ou faire le choix de votre région manuellement.|Sorry, no region was found for the requested postal code. Please try with a different postal code or choose your region manually.

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La FADOQ est le plus important regroupement de personnes de 50 ans et plus de la province et la référence en matière de qualité de vie des personnes aînées québécoises.
En savoir plus

Pour connaître les produits et les offres dans votre région, veuillez indiquer votre langue et votre secteur.

FADOQ is the largest group of individuals aged 50 and over in the province and the leading reference for the quality of life of Quebec seniors.
Read more

To discover the products and offers available in your region, please select your language and area.

Pour connaître les produits et les offres dans votre région, veuillez indiquer votre secteur.

To know the products and offers in your region, please indicate your sector.

Choisissez votre langue|Choose your language

Choisissez votre région|Choose your region

ou|or Trouver ma région par code postal|Find your region by postal code

Trouver ma région par code postal|Find your region by postal code

ou|or Choisissez votre région|Select your region in a list

Désolé, aucune région n'a été trouvée pour le code postal demandé. Veuillez essayer avec un autre code postal ou faire le choix de votre région manuellement.|Sorry, no region was found for the requested postal code. Please try with a different postal code or choose your region manually.

Intact Insurance - Car Insurance

Concours Intact 2024

List of 2024 contest winners:

  • Marc Gervais from Lanaudière
  • Marie-France Hypolite from Lanaudière
  • Mouloud Younsi from Laval
  • Dany Bruneau from Rive-Sud-Suroît

Get a personalized premium based on how you drive

Download the Intact Insurance app on your smartphone and activate the “my Drive” program so that your insurance premium will be personalized based on three main factors: speed, focus and smoothness.

If you’re a new Intact Insurance customer, you could benefit from a 10% discount as soon as my Drive is activated.

As a individuel member of Réseau FADOQ, you have access to several discounts and benefits in auto and home insurance.

In addition, by combining your home and auto insurance, you could save up to 15% on your home insurance and up to 5% on your auto insurance.

Learn more!

Certain conditions, limitations and exclusions apply. These offers are subject to change without notice. Please see [] for details.

Get a quote

Intact assurance auto

Car Insurance

  • 5% discount
  • Reduced deductible by up to $300 for collision or upset and up to a $100 reduction in the deductible for claims such as glass breakage, fire, theft or vandalism, on a first claim in 3 years
  • No deductible for hit-and-run damage or total loss
  •  $50,000 in Accident Benefits coverage (with a Q.E.F. No. 34 endorsement) for yourself and your spouse in case of death or dismemberment resulting from a motor vehicle accident

Intact assurance habitation

Home Insurance

  • 5% discount
  • Reduced deductible by up to $300 on a first claim in 3 years
  • Claim payment based on the cost of repair or replacement with no deduction for depreciation, even if you decide not to rebuild your home
  • Free home assistance service for you and your spouse after a hospital stay of more than 48 hours (emergency housekeeping, nursing care)

Intact assurance auto-habitation

Combine and Save on Your Insurance!

Individuel members of the Réseau FADOQ who choose Synchro Insurance receive the following exclusive extras, at no additional cost.

  • S.O.S. Identity protection with no additional fees: $25,000 of coverage in case of identity theft
  • Repair or replacement cost without deduction for depreciation with no obligation to replace your contents

 Not to mention other benefits, including:

  • Savings of up to 15% on your home insurance and up to 5% on your car insurance
  • You pay only one deductible if a claim involves both your home and auto policies
  • The replace locks if your car keys or house keys are stolen

Job Aid

Your representative – your best source for information and advice!

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Certain conditions, limitations and exclusions apply to all offers. The information that appears on this website is provided to you for information purposes only. Your insurance contract prevails at all times. Please consult it for a complete description of coverage and exclusions. To enjoy these benefits, you must have a valid Réseau FADOQ individual membership card.

Intact Insurance Company © 2024, Intact Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

For information