Word from the chair and executive director
The new year is here, and we’ve made resolutions too. We want to make FADOQ – Région des Laurentians even more vibrant and focused on providing good quality of life for seniors in our vast and beautiful region. What about yours? Do they include volunteering at a non-profit organization in your community?
Did you know that our organization doesn’t just depend on the team at the regional secretariat or our regional board of directors? Our strength also comes from our network’s volunteers, including the board members at our 35 affiliated clubs. They’re committed to providing activities that help seniors meet up, get moving, have fun, and stay active. Volunteering can be a very rewarding experience and sharing your time gives meaning to your day.
The boards are responsible for managing clubs and making sure they do everything they can to meet their members’ needs and expectations. Without the boards there would be no clubs. Being a board member requires a two-year commitment. We can’t expect the same people to do everything all the time, so we all have to get involved and help out.
You might think volunteer involvement would be on the rise with the new wave of members age 50 and over, including young baby boomers. But that generation is very busy with all sorts of activities and distractions, making it difficult for the older generation of volunteers who are looking to pass the torch.
Everything we describe in our newsletter is made possible by volunteers: including our work with caregivers, as part of our QADA projects with residents in community and non-profit housing and the “Intimidation n’est pas un jeu” program, and the regional and provincial Jeux FADOQ.
The clubs represented by FADOQ – Région des Laurentians offer a wide range of opportunities to get involved in committees that organize activities, deliver services, do work in the community, and manage clubs.
If you’re interested in volunteering your time or learning more about volunteering, contact us at benevolat@fadoqlaurentides.org. We need you!