Press releases
FADOQ teams up with KO Média to redesign its magazine Virage
FADOQ is proud to announce its partnership with KO Média for the redesign of its m...
Brief – Federal Budget 2025 (French)
Prepared as part of the pre-budget consultations of the Standing Committee on Finance of the House of Commons, this brief presents seven recommendations, including increasing the amount granted through the Guaranteed Income Supplement by a minimum of $50 per month per senior, and enhancing Old Age Security benefits by 10% for seniors aged 65 to 74.
Brief – Breaking Down Professional Silos and Access to Care (French)
Prepared in the context of the introduction of Bill 67, An Act to amend the Professional Code for the modernization of the professional system and to broaden certain professional practices in the field of health and social services, this brief presents eight recommendations.
Brief – Strengthening Seniors’ Rights
Réseau FADOQ has prepared the following brief, based on the themes of the questionnaire submitted by the Open-Ended Working Group on Aging that aims to draw up an international convention on seniors rights that will be legally binding on all member states.
Notice – Protecting Individuals in the Context of Volunteer Leisure Activities (French)
Developed as part of consultations surrounding Bill 45, An Act to amend the Safety in Sports Act primarily to enhance the protection of individuals’ integrity in leisure and sports activities, this notice proposes 8 recommendations.
This brief was prepared in response to the call for briefs from the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities of the House of Commons regarding Bill C-319. This brief recommends a 10% increase in Old Age Security benefits for seniors aged 65 to 74.
Brief – Quebec Budget 2024-2025 (French)
Prepared for pre-budget consultations, this brief presents 26 recommendations for the Quebec government’s 2024-2025 budget, including intensive investment in home care and services and ensuring these investments align with demographic trends.
Notice – The Importance of Protecting Future Retirees in Quebec (French)
Developed as part of consultations surrounding Bill 35, An Act respecting the implementation of certain provisions of the March 21, 2023 budget speech and amending other provisions, this notice comments on aspects of the bill that specifically affect the Quebec Pension Plan. We also present four recommendations.
Brief – Enhancing Protection for Elderly Tenants (French)
Prepared in conjunction with the introduction of Bill 31, An Act to amend various legislative provisions regarding housing, this brief puts forward recommendations to better protect elderly tenants.
Brief – Federal Budget 2024 (French)
Prepared for pre-budget consultations by the Standing Committee on Finance of the House of Commons, this brief formulates seven recommendations.
Brief – Financial Precarity Knows No Age (French)
Réseau FADOQ has formulated 25 recommendations to combat financial precarity among seniors in a brief submitted during consultations conducted by the Ministry of Employment and Social Solidarity (MESS).
Brief – Promoting Quality of Life for Seniors (French)
Developed following the call for briefs under the Government Action Plan Aging and Living Together 2024-2029, this brief proposes 26 recommendations and encourages the Quebec government to ensure that the Secretariat for Seniors continues to be a cross-ministerial entity.
Developed as part of consultations surrounding Bill 11, An Act to amend the Act respecting end-of-life care and other legislative provisions, this brief presents our analysis and recommendations aimed at improving palliative care in Quebec.
Developed in relation to Bill C-228, An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985, this notice recommends to the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce to promptly review this bill.
Brief – Public Consultation on the Quebec Pension Plan (French)
In this brief prepared for the public consultation on the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP), Réseau FADOQ opposes raising the eligibility age for early retirement benefits and increasing penalties for withdrawing benefits before the age of 65.
Brief – Quebec Budget 2023-2024 (French)
In this brief prepared for pre-budget consultations, Réseau FADOQ proposes 25 recommendations, notably to improve the retirement system, home care and support, and better support for family caregivers.
Brief – Federal Budget 2023 (French)
In this brief prepared for pre-budget consultations by the Standing Committee on Finance of the House of Commons, Réseau FADOQ proposes 9 recommendations.
As part of the study of Bill 37, An Act to amend various legislative provisions mainly concerning housing, Réseau FADOQ submitted this brief to the National Assembly to better protect senior tenants.
Developed during consultations on Bill 38, An Act to amend the Act respecting end-of-life care and other legislative provisions, this brief focuses on medical aid in dying and the care continuum in Quebec.
Notice – Certification of Private Seniors’ Residences (French)
This notice was developed in the context of the regulation amending the Regulation for the certification of private seniors’ residences.
In this brief presented to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Réseau FADOQ analyzes Bill C-12.
Brief – Quebec Budget 2022-2023 (French)
In this brief prepared for pre-budget consultations, Réseau FADOQ proposes 25 recommendations concerning 8 areas affecting individuals aged 50 and over.
In this brief, Réseau FADOQ has formulated 12 recommendations to improve Bill 101, An Act aimed at strengthening the fight against abuse of seniors and other vulnerable adults, as well as monitoring the quality of health and social services.
Brief – 2022 Federal Budget (French)
In this brief, prepared for the pre-budget consultations of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance, the Réseau FADOQ proposes 11 recommendations.
Brief – Financial Precariousness is not a Function of Age
Following the federal government’s budget announcement that it would like to increase monthly Old Age Security benefits by 10% for people aged 75 and over, starting in July 2022, many Quebec seniors reacted to the exclusion of people aged 65 to 74, who will not be able to benefit from this increase.
In this brief, Réseau FADOQ addresses this federal government proposal head on. Our organization is eminently in favour of increasing the amount granted through the Old Age Security pension. However, Réseau FADOQ puts the age-based exclusion criteria into perspective.
Brief – End Elder Abuse and Mistreatment (French)
Elder abuse is obviously a phenomenon of great concern to Réseau FADOQ. This brief, written as part of the call for briefs in connection with the development of the third government action plan to combat elder abuse, proposes 16 recommendations.
Brief – 2021 Québec Budget (French)
This brief was prepared for the Pre-Budget Consultations and presented to the office of the Minister of Finance of Québec. In this brief, the Réseau FADOQ makes 33 recommendations to the provincial government.
Brief – The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Repercussions on Women (French)
Brief presented to the members of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women to propose solutions to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on senior women.
Brief – The Importance of Dialogue on Retirement (French)
Submission to the Committee on Public Finance on Bill 68, An Act mainly to allow the establishment of target benefit pension plans.
Brief – Facilitate Contestation in Private Seniors’ Residences (French)
Brief presented to the Commission de l’aménagement du territoire in connection with Bill 67, An act to establish a new development regime for the flood zones of lakes and watercourses, to temporarily grant municipalities powers enabling them to respond to certain needs and to amend various provisions.
Brief – Seniors: Primary Victims of COVID-19 (French)
Brief submitted to the Québec Ombudsman in connection with the call for testimony and briefs concerning the investigation into the management of the COVID-19 crisis in nursing homes.
Brief – Proposals for recognizing and supporting caregivers (French)
In the brief, Réseau FADOQ stressed the importance of ensuring that caregivers were informed about the resources available to them, the importance of government support, and the need to adapt to their individual situations.
Brief – 2021 federal budget (French)
In the brief, Réseau FADOQ made 12 recommendations for the next federal budget.
Brief – Ensuring trust in the healthcare system (French)
In the brief, Réseau FADOQ recommended introducing criminal penalties to reinforce the Act to combat maltreatment of seniors and other persons of full age in vulnerable situations. The effectiveness of the act has been called into question, in part because of the absence of penalties for violators.
Brief – 2020 federal budget (French)
In the brief, Réseau FADOQ outlined the priority measures determined by its members and drew the federal government’s attention to certain aspects that should be taken into account in drawing up the budget.
Brief –2020 Quebec budget (French)
In this brief, Réseau FADOQ outlined the priority measures determined by its members. It also aimed to raise awareness about factors the Government of Quebec should take into account in preparing the budget.
This brief was presented to the Committee on Health and Social Services during consideration of Bill 31, the Act to amend mainly the Pharmacy Act to facilitate access to certain services.
Brief – Toward a provincial caregiver policy (French)
This brief was presented to Marguerite Blais, Minister Responsible for Seniors and Informal Caregivers, in the lead-up to the tabling of Quebec’s first provincial caregiver policy.
Brief – Bill 18 (French)
An Act to amend the Civil Code, the Code of Civil Procedure, the Public Curator Act and various provisions as regards the protection of persons
Brief – Bill 16 (French)
An Act mainly to regulate building inspections and divided co-ownership, to replace the name and improve the rules of operation of the Régie du logement and to amend the Act respecting the Société d’habitation du Québec and various legislative provisions concerning municipal affairs
Brief – Standing Committee on the Status of Women (French)
Brief presented to the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women to highlight the challenges faced by female seniors in Canada.
Brief – Federal Budget 2019 (French)
In this brief, Réseau FADOQ outlines the priority measures determined by its members. It also aims to raise awareness about factors the Government of Canada should take into account in preparing the budget.
Brief – Quebec Budget 2019 (French)
In this brief, Réseau FADOQ outlines the priority measures determined by its members. It also aims to raise awareness about factors the Government of Quebec should take into account in preparing the budget.
Brief – Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC (French)
Brief submitted to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission as part of its consultation process. Réseau FADOQ criticized a lack of transparency with regard to promotional offers, the use of misleading titles on packaging, unsolicited service subscription tactics, lack of clarity with regard to offers, unexpected bills, and tactics that aim to stop customers from terminating their contracts.
Patient choice or economic factors? (French)
Brief presented to Quebec’s health department on proposed regulations for the Act respecting prescription drug insurance (Chapter A-29.01) involving exceptions to the ban on paying or reimbursing the price of medications or supplies that are covered under the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan.
Advocating to put Quebecers first! (French)
Brief submitted during the special consultations on Bill 150, An Act respecting mainly the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speeches of 17 March 2016 and 28 March 2017.
Funeral insurance in Quebec: A regulatory challenge (French)
Brief submitted as part of special consultations regarding Bill 141, An Act mainly to improve the regulation of the financial sector, the protection of deposits of money and the operation of financial institutions.
Increases needed to secure the future of retirement in Quebec (French)
Brief submitted during special consultations on Bill 149, An Act to enhance the Québec Pension Plan and to amend various retirement-related legislative provisions.
Live long and prosper: Making Canada a leader on aging (French)
Brief submitted as part of special consultations on the development of Canada’s national strategy on aging. Submitted to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
Making Quebec a leader on aging (French)
Opinion presented during public consultations on the 2018–2023 Action Plan for the Aging and Living Together: At Home, in One’s Community, in Quebec policy.
An issue that requires more resources (French)
Opinion submitted to Francine Charbonneau, the Minister Responsible for Seniors and Anti-Bullying as part of the bill against elder abuse.
Retirees in Quebec: Second-class citizens? (French)
Opinion submitted during public consultations with the Department of Finance on “Consolidating the Québec Pension Plan to Strengthen Intergenerational Equity.”
Quality of life for seniors at CHSLDs— urgent action needed! (French)
Opinion submitted to Gaétan Barrette, Minister of Health and Social Services as part of the process to improve the organization of care and services offered in CHSLDs
Request regarding Hydro-Québec’s rate setting for 2017–2018 (French)
Brief submitted to Quebec’s energy board, Régie de l’énergie.
Seniors and housing: A special case (French)
Opinion submitted to Martin Coiteux, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy as part of a public consultation on a new approach to housing.
Seniors and housing: A special case (French)
Opinion submitted to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation as part of the Let’s Talk Housing consultations
Bill 56, Lobbying Transparency Act (French)
Brief submitted to the Commissioner of Lobbying
Retirement ‘aint what it used to be (French)
Opinion submitted to the Committee on Labour and the Economy as part of consultations on Bill 57, An Act to amend the Supplemental Pension Plans Act mainly with respect to the funding of defined benefit pension plans.
Assessment of seniors’ residences in Quebec (French)
Réseau FADOQ brief – Better protection for the rights of seniors who are tenants (French)
Opinion submitted as part of special consultations on Bill 492, An Act to amend the Civil Code to protect seniors’ rights as lessees.
Opinion submitted by Réseau FADOQ and Canada Post: Another step closer to loss of autonomy for seniors (French)
Submitted as part of public consultations on how Canada Post’s decision to cut home mail delivery in urban areas affects Montrealers.
Bill 10: Insufficient administrative restructuring for a sick Quebec (French)
Submitted as part of special consultations on Bill 10, An Act to modify the organization and governance of the health and social services network, in particular by abolishing the regional agencies.
Bill 3: Impoverishing Quebec (French)
Submitted as part of public consultations on Bill 3, An Act to foster the financial health and sustainability of municipal defined benefit pension plans.
Réseau FADOQ opinion: Bill to protect the rights of elderly tenants (French)
Submitted as part of Québec Solidaire’s proposed bill, which Réseau FADOQ supports.
Réseau FADOQ opinion: Reform of the Canada Elections Act, a step backwards for democracy (French)
Submitted to the committee as part of consultations on Bill C-23,An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to certain Acts.
Towards good quality of life in a real living environment (French)
Submitted as part of special consultations on living conditions for adults in residential and long-term care facilities.
Autonomy insurance: How much, when, and how?
Réseau FADOQ opinion on the impacts of the introduction of autonomy insurance (French)
Submitted as part of special consultations on L’autonomie pour tous, a white paper on the creation of autonomy insurance.
End-of-life care: A step forward for dignity (French)
What does the future hold for retirees in Quebec: Reflections on the D’Amours report (French)
A perspective on the future of supplemental pension plans from people age 50 and over (French)
Bill 16, An Act to amend the certification process for private seniors’ residences (French)
Retirees’ opinions on Bill 11 (French)
Brief on Bill 130: Preserving the Conseil des aînés (French)
Brief – Aging and dying with dignity: Two complementary insights (French)
Brief on Bill 8, which expands the sale of funeral insurance in Quebec (French)
Brief on the Guaranteed Income Supplement: Towards a more generous and simpler GIS (French)
Brief on Bill 56: Necessary amendments and precautions (French)
Opinion submitted by Réseau FADOQ as part of special consultations on Bill 6 (French)
Joint brief from FADOQ and FARQ on Bill 68 (progressive retirement) (French)
How to help the labour market adapt to demographic changes (French)
Improving economic security for older women (French)
Consultation on guaranteeing access: Equality, efficiency, and quality (French)
Regulations under Bill 83: Health and safety criteria for seniors’ residences (French)
Funding defined benefit pension plans (French)
Bill 83, An Act to amend the Act respecting health services and social services (French)
Bill on the Conseil des aînés (French)
Support for caregivers (French)
Overhaul of Quebec’s legal aid system (French)
Parliamentary committee on Quebec’s pension board, Régie des rentes du Québec (French)
Considerations for pre-budget consultations (French)
The Romanow Commission (French)
Turning right on a red light (French)
The Guaranteed Income Supplement (French)
The Vieillir en liberté, en toute Sûreté program (French)
Credit unions and automated services (French)
The Supplemental Pension Plans Act (French)
Exploitation of seniors (French)