Important information about the Dental Care Plan
The Government of Canada reassesses the eligibility of individuals covered by the ...
FADOQ keeps members up to date on everything that happens across the network. It also lets them know about the work it does to improve their quality of life, including briefs, advocacy, news, editorials, publications, and more.
As a FADOQ member*, you benefit from useful partnerships, nearly 1,000 discounts and privileges. You have access to multiple discounts and privileges in every region of Québec. Maximize your savings in every sphere of life! Use the FADOQ application to discover discounts wherever you are. *Only applies to members with a valid FADOQ card.
Individuals aged 50 and over who want active lifestyles, to meet other people and experience new things will undoubtedly find what they’re looking for in the FADOQ. He/it gets over 70,000 people to be physicaly active every week.
FADOQ works hard to educate, train, and equip its members in all spheres of their lives. It shares information at workshops, online, in concise articles and up-to-date fact sheets, and more. We believe all seniors should get informed!
Les fausses nouvelles (fake news)
Les témoins de navigation (cookies)
La recherche avancée de Google
La recherche dans une page Web
La prise de rendez-vous médicaux en ligne
La citoyenneté numérique désigne la capacité de manier de façon positive, critique, compétente et responsable des technologies numériques.
« La citoyenneté numérique désigne le maniement efficace et positif des technologies numériques (créer, travailler, partager, établir des relations sociales, rechercher, jouer, communiquer et apprendre), la participation active et responsable (valeurs, aptitudes, attitudes, connaissance) aux communautés (locales, nationales, mondiales) à tous les niveaux (…). »