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La FADOQ est le plus important regroupement de personnes de 50 ans et plus de la province et la référence en matière de qualité de vie des personnes aînées québécoises.
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FADOQ is the largest group of individuals aged 50 and over in the province and the leading reference for the quality of life of Quebec seniors.
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La FADOQ est le plus important regroupement de personnes de 50 ans et plus de la province et la référence en matière de qualité de vie des personnes aînées québécoises.
En savoir plus

Pour connaître les produits et les offres dans votre région, veuillez indiquer votre langue et votre secteur.

FADOQ is the largest group of individuals aged 50 and over in the province and the leading reference for the quality of life of Quebec seniors.
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To discover the products and offers available in your region, please select your language and area.

Pour connaître les produits et les offres dans votre région, veuillez indiquer votre secteur.

To know the products and offers in your region, please indicate your sector.

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Trouver ma région par code postal|Find your region by postal code

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Désolé, aucune région n'a été trouvée pour le code postal demandé. Veuillez essayer avec un autre code postal ou faire le choix de votre région manuellement.|Sorry, no region was found for the requested postal code. Please try with a different postal code or choose your region manually.

Did you know ?

RRSP vs. TFSA: Which is best for you?

RRSP season kicks into high gear every year. The same question often comes up: should I invest in an RRSP or a TFSA?

Well, that all depends on what you want to save for and what your tax rate is based on your taxable income. Each savings plan has its own features and advantages. We can walk you through these, so you can make the choice that’s right for you.

Your goals

Looking to save for your golden years? Or maybe you want to get a head start saving for a cushy retirement in the distant future? RRSP is how you spell retirement savings.

Your kitchen needs renovating? Or better yet, a hot tub would look great next to your new patio for some quality outdoor living. Then think TFSA. It’s your go-to for those short- and mid-term goals.

Either way, the challenge is the same: saving without busting your budget or sacrificing your lifestyle.

Your contributions

There’s no age limit to set up a TFSA and make contributions. On the other hand, you can’t contribute to an RRSP after age 71.

Last, but certainly not least, RRSP contributions are tax-deductible when you file your tax return. By lowering your taxable income, you can also enjoy considerable tax refunds, and may be able to increase your child benefit and family allowance. The strategy behind RRSPs is to contribute when your tax rate is higher and withdraw when it’s lower.

Your withdrawals

You’ve saved enough money for your project? Withdraw the needed amount from your TFSA, anytime you like. And once your TFSA annual contribution room resets on January 1, start saving for a new goal!

On the flip side, resist the temptation to withdraw funds from your RRSP. It’s simply counterproductive since each withdrawal is taxable.

What are you saving for?

Are you looking to build an emergency fund? Choose a TFSA and withdraw money anytime. Are you saving for education, retirement or a first home? Both TFSAs and RRSPs are suitable.

TFSA or RRSP? Bottom line, whichever you choose, both registered accounts provide tax incentives to help you save money over time. It’s then up to you to decide if you prefer paying income tax now or later.

To help you decide, work out a strategy with your advisor and save within your budget.

To find out more, click here to contact one of our advisors


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Source: Beneva*