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Réseau FADOQ est le plus important regroupement de personnes de 50 ans et plus de la province et la référence en matière de qualité de vie des aînés québécois. En savoir plus

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Réseau FADOQ est le plus important regroupement de personnes de 50 ans et plus de la province et la référence en matière de qualité de vie des aînés québécois. En savoir plus

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Réseau FADOQ est le plus important regroupement de personnes de 50 ans et plus de la province et la référence en matière de qualité de vie des aînés québécois. En savoir plus

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Did you know ?

Three Things to Know about E-bikes

Three Things to Know about E-bikesWhether you want to commute, cover more distance on your Sunday outings or maintain the speed at which you used to ride, a pedal-assisted e-bike can meet many needs. Thinking of going electric? Here are a few tips before hopping in the saddle.

“Many people turn up their noses at e-bikes until they try them,” comments David Tringle, Purchasing Manager at La Cordée, a chain of eight stores across Quebec.

You may think they’re for lazy people, don’t offer a genuine cycling experience, or are too costly. A lot can be said against them, but resistance to change melts as soon as you try one.

“What a pleasure to pedal with a constant wind at your back, as the motor’s power eliminates the strain of long or steep hills,” says David Tringle, a man with all the makings of a top-level cyclist.

1- More costly?

With an e-bike, the motor amplifies your pedal power. People of all ages are attracted to e-bikes because of the opportunity they offer to ride longer distances or continue pedalling when your body starts to tire.

In this way, they make cycling more accessible. Accessibility, however, comes at a price. A quality pedal-assisted e-bike costs at least $2,500 and can even cost as much as $5,000.

“There are cheaper alternatives in the big box stores, but you’re going to pay in lower battery life and an inferior product, for instance, a less efficient braking system,” warns Jacques Sennéchael, editor-in-chief of Vélo Mag.

Another important consideration is that the big chain stores don’t service the bikes.

The reason e-bikes cost so much is the battery. For example, Trek bike batteries cost $1,000 each. Pedal-assisted e-bikes are even more enticing because they are usually sold fully accessorized.

“These are turnkey bikes. Everything is included: integrated front and rear lights, mudguards, luggage rack and kickstand, unlike a traditional bike where everything is sold separately, which drives up the final cost,” explains Bastien Major, marketing manager at Devinci, a Saguenay-based bike manufacturer. His recommendation? “Try out an e-bike before you buy one. Most bike stores offer this option.”

2- How does it work?

There are two types of electric motor: the one located in the crankset, i.e., in the centre of the bike, and the other hidden in the hub of the rear wheel, which is much less obvious.

The first type currently dominates the market, offering more speed and longer battery life.

“It also feels more like a human-powered bicycle,” maintains David Tringle.

On the other hand, rear-wheel drive e-bikes are carving out a place for themselves in the performance bike market, as these riders are looking for a lighter bike, even if it means sacrificing engine power.

“Unlike bikes with motors in the crankset, which are heavier, bikes with the motor in the rear hub pedal comfortably even when the battery is flat,” says Jacques Sennéchael.

In short, less stress about the battery running down. However, pedalling is less fluid.

“The engine runs more in fits and starts,” adds the editor.

3- How long does the battery keep its charge?

As with electric cars, the question on every consumer’s mind is battery life. The problem is, it’s difficult to estimate.

“There are so many elements that affect range, such as temperature, wind, hills, riding surface, assistance level—the more you rely on the electric motor, the more battery power it needs—bike weight, etc.,” says Bastien Major.

As a general rule, it’s possible to cover at least 30 km with an e-bike in high assistance mode, and over 100 km in economy mode. A good quality battery lasts for years. For example, the one fitted to Trek bikes can be recharged from 800 to 1,000 times.

Like a muscle-powered bike, an e-bike needs regular maintenance.

“You need to pay more attention to the brakes, chain and rear wheel sprockets, because you ride faster on an e-bike and the frames are heavier,” says David Tringle, of La Cordée.

Switzerland is seeing an increase in accidents due to the popularity of e-bikes. It’s true, the combination of speed and inexperience behind the handlebars leads to many accidents. Hence the importance of effective brakes.

Source: Virage Magazine - Simon Diotte